Print Delivers is an event celebrating and educating people about the power of print. Over the next few months Print Delivers Events are occurring in all of the major US cities. My company has been chosen to represent a marketing services provider in the mid-Atlantic area, and I am so excited. In the recent years everyone has been making the switch to digital, but now people are realizing they aren't getting the bang for their buck and their messages are getting lost in e-mail land. People are learning that:
- Print Build Customer Loyalty- 70% have renewed a relationship with a customer as a result of receiving direct mail Source: Print in the Mix; printinthemix.com
- Print Energized the Marketing Mix- Consumer receiving a printed catalog are 2x more likely to purchase online than those who don't receive a catalog Source: USPS
- Print Drives More Sales- 75% of consumers say they made a purchase as a result of direct mail Source: Print in the Mix; printinthemix.com
- Print is a Responsible Choice- 45.2 million tons of paper was recovered from recycling in 2007. That's 57% of all paper and paperboard products. Source: American Forest & Paper Association
Who's going to be there?
- Ben Cooper, Executive Director, Print Council
- Marc Johnson, Marketing Programs, Digital Printing Solutions- Americas, Eastman Kodak
- Ferko Goldinger, Advertising & Promotion Manager, Appleton Coated
- John W. Snyder, Owner/President, HBP, Inc.
- David Mastervich, Manager, Periodicals, Catalogs & Saturation Mail Mailing Services, United States Postal Service
- Jim Dunn, President, Heidelberg USA
- Friday, March 26th, 2010
- 10:30am-12:30pm
- Johns Hopkins University
Montgomery County Campus
9605 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Free Lunch! So sign-up today and reserve your spot. Hope to see you there!
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