Time to get back to work people! I know most parents are singing the "It's the most wonderful time of the year" song because their kids are off to school, but I'm excited because the "I will be out of the office until...." voicemails will be dwindlin and I will finally be able to help people plan, impliment or produce their fall jobs. This might sound crazy. I like my job. What? But I speak the truth, the satifaction I get when a customer calls me in a panic and I can help figure out a solution and get their project done on time is huge. Granted the nature of the beast with sales is that you can't always help or fix everything, but it's the moments when I can that life seems grand. Sooooooo calling all....
Marketing Assistants
Traffic Coordinators
Project Managers
Directors of Events, Conferences, Programs, Seminars
Membership Directors
ASK ME FOR HELP! If you need an honest answer, are confused about your options, or just need someone to bounce ideas off of give me a call 571-303-2421. I am all about being honest and having open dialogue so use me as a resource and let's see where we can go!
Have a fantastic day!